Application Design 2: Proposal

01/09/2022 - 11/12/2022 / Week 1 - Week 14
Darren Liga / 0351480
Application Design 1: Project 2-Hi-Fi Prototype



From sir razif's brief feedback regarding my app design 1 figma, he mentioned:

- keep the corner radius uniform throughout the UI
- Duitnow to Mobile - make it simpler.

Here is the before and after of his feedback.

Figma 1.1: Duitnow to Mobile (Before)

Figma 1.2: Duitnow to Mobile (After)

Figma 2.1: Corner Radius Uneven (Before)

Figma 2.2: Corner Radius Even (After)

Maintaining 45 for its corner radius across the UI.


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